Sunday, 4 July 2010

(4th of July 112YC) I'm back...

... and so's Sansha!

Who'd have thunk it? Moi, finally giving up on the books! Ack, well, not exactly. Can't put the bloody things down, but at least I'm out of the Sangrenomicon. That place can embrace you and suck your time away!

But enough about stuffy occult libraries and books of torture, I've missed space. My pod feels like I never left it and it's such a rush! I haven't managed to get in any fights yet, but I'm sure that'll change. Izzy is already tempting me and I've never been able to refuse my sis-from-another-machine-mother. She's been telling me little secrets behind all the news lately. It's like the Nation is being demonized all over. I've never understood where pod-pilots get the uppishness to criticize one faction over another.

Izzy hasn't told me everything though. She trusts me more than a lot of people, but I think I've been away from the capsuleer 'verse so long that I might not understand fully what's at stake. She says her Master has a plan and I trust her judgement and, more importantly, her logic.

Besides. What's the worst that could happen to me? I might die. Again! Hee hee hee!

Ah, it's good to be biomechanically immortal. Now where does this tube go again..? Oh! Interesting...

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